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A loan guarantee is useful if a company wishes to use a bank loan, a lease or bank guarantee but lacks sufficient collateral or operating history to be issued a loan.
NB! EIS surety can only serve as an additional guarantee for a new obligation (bank loan, lease transaction or bank guarantee).
An industry loan is useful if a company wishes to use a bank loan or lease for making an investment but lacks self-financing. In such a situation, an industry loan, being a subordinated loan, can increase the company's self-financing in the eyes of co-financing sources.
A regional loan can be used to provide co-financing for investments in tangible and intangible fixed assets together with a bank or leasing company.
The target group for EIS's capital loan is fast-growing entrepreneurs with proven business models and strong development potential. The purpose of the capital loan is to finance activities aimed at increasing the entrepreneur’s competitiveness through development or expansion.
The EIS export loan is intended for financing transactions involving the export of goods produced in Estonia, and the loan is issued to an Estonian exporter. The purpose of the export loan is to provide the foreign buyer with a repayment term of at least two years, and to finance the payment of the credit insurance premium and, if necessary, the production of goods to be sold to the foreign buyer.
Starter loan Closed
The Start-up loan is intended for small and medium-sized enterprises that have been operating for up to three years, for financing their company investments and/or circulating capital.
EIS is providing venture capital through funds of funds to help Estonian start-up companies and well-established and fast-growing companies expand and finance their growth.