Combating bribery in business transactions

KredEx Krediidikindlustus encourages responsible business conduct in regard domestic and international business transactions. This means inter alia reasonable care for identifying and preventing situations that may involve corruption risk and for avoiding commitment to grant, acceptance or arranging receipt of bribes in connection with business transactions from which arise payment risks that the parties wish to mitigate with credit insurance.

Every person involved in business transaction must comply with all relevant laws prohibiting bribery. In case of international business transaction, it is significant to comply with laws of every relevant country. Persons involved in business transaction must implement reasonable management and internal control systems in order to assure value aligned conduct within organisation and effectiveness of control environment.

KredEx Krediidikindlustus directs attention to fact that according to Estonian Penal Code both public and private sector bribery is punishable as well as bribery offences committed in foreign states. These offences are punishable by a pecuniary punishment or imprisonment and confiscation of assets or property acquired by the offence. 

KredEx Krediidikindlustus follows OECD Council recommendations for combating bribery in international business transactions 

As recommended by OECD Council, KredEx Krediidikindlustus requests provision of declaration that any party of a business transaction nor anyone acting on behalf of that party is not connected to bribery; is not under charge or investigation in connection to bribery and that all fees payable in connection to the transaction will be for legitimate purpose only.  Declaration may consist in conditions of credit insurance contracts or on a separate formula. Partyʼs connection to bribery may result with the following actions by KredEx Krediidikindlustus: refusal of giving insurance cover, cancellation of insurance contract, suspension of indemnification or reclaim of already paid indemnification.