Reconstruction grant 2022-2027



The grant funds both the comprehensive reconstruction of apartment buildings and, as a separate activity, the replacement of gas, stove, or electric heating systems in apartment buildings with heating devices using renewable energy sources or the connection of these apartment buildings to the district heating network. The supported activities enable energy efficiency improvements for apartment buildings and promote the use of renewable energy.

For the 2022-2027 period, the state has allocated 330 million euros from the European Union Structural Funds for apartment building reconstruction grants.
We opened the second application round for the grant on October 28, 2024, at 10:00. The available funds for the round total 170 million euros, which are divided into budgets for counties, reconstruction using prefabricated elements, heritage and environmentally valuable apartment buildings, neighborhood-based reconstructions, and large apartment buildings.

The application round for Ida-Viru County was opened on January 14, 2025 at 11.00.
In Ida-Viru County, we opened a separate application round on October 28, 2024, funded by the Õiglase Ülemineku Fond. Learn more about the grant here.

The amendment to the grant regulation comes into effect on September 27, 2024. Review the regulation here.

You can find a comparison of the different versions of the regulation here, and a summary of the key changes here.

For clarification on the terms of the reconstruction grant, you can also seek assistance from your regional development center (except in Harju County, where EIS provides support; in Ida-Viru County, where EIS and the Ida-Viru County Municipalities Association provide support; and in Lääne-Viru County, where the Lääne-Viru County Municipalities Association provides support).


  • Energy savings
  • Use of renewable energy
  • Ensuring safety

For who?


apartment association

Service is suitable if

  • an apartment building with three or more apartments has been in use before the year 2000
  • at least 80% of the apartment properties in one apartment building are owned by natural persons.

Important conditions

Main conditions
  • The grant can be applied for the renovation of an apartment building built before 2000that has an apartment association.
  • Previously completed works do not need to be redone if the desired energy efficiency class can still be achieved.
  • The grant can only be applied for those reconstruction works that are reflected in the appropriate main project.
  • The construction project necessary for the reconstruction of an apartment building that has been prepared in accordance with the requirements established by § 13 (3) of the Building Code, the standard EVS 932 or equivalent requirements and the requirements of the regulation, and the architect of which must be at least on the professional level 7 of authorised architect. The project must have been approved by the Board of the Apartment Association.
  • The grant is not given to a project within the framework of which reconstruction works have started before the grant application has been submitted to the implementation unit.
  • The applicant must conclude a contract with the technical consultant or the company through which the technical consultant provides the service, except if the applicant did not receive any bids for reasons beyond their control. The contract between the technical consultant and the Apartment Association is concluded no later than the moment the application is submitted.
  • If necessary, the submitted construction project will undergo an expert examination organised and paid for by EIS.
  • After EIS's expertise, the tendering procedure for the reconstruction works is carried out through the Public Procurement Register.
  • The grant recipient is obliged to:
    • coordinate the construction project with the implementation unit before starting the reconstruction works if the project design is ordered together with the reconstruction works;
    • coordinate changes in the construction project with the implementation unit before performing the corresponding reconstruction works;
    • in order to ensure fulfilling of the duration requirement, conclude an agreement with the contractor of the reconstruction works according to which the contractor provides a guarantee for the reconstruction works for at least five years from the date of handover-acceptance of the works, and to ensure the regular maintenance of technical systems, conclude maintenance contracts valid for at least five years from the date of handover-acceptance of the works.
  • The project eligibility period must be between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2027.
  • The cost of preparing the construction project (including conducting the construction survey and building audit on which the construction project is based) and the service of a technical consultant are eligible for the grant before the date of application submission to the implementation unit. If the technical consultant also performs owner supervision, the cost of performing owner supervision is not eligible for the grant before the date of the start of project activities specified in the decision to approve the application.
  • Self-financing must cover the part of the project's eligible costs that is not reimbursed by the grant.
The grant rate and the maximum grant amount
  • The grant rate is 30% in Tallinn and Tartu and 40% in the settlement units of municipalities adjacent to Tallinn and Tartu where the market value of the property in the year preceding the submission of the application is higher than €500/m2 according to the data of the Land Board's transaction database, and in Ilmatsalu borough, Märja borough, Haapsalu town, Keila town, Kohila town, Kuressaare town, Maardu town, Otepää town, Paikuse town, Pärnu town, Rakvere town, Rapla town, Sauga borough, Uuemõisa borough and Viljandi town. For the reconstruction of apartment buildings with up to 18 apartments located in the above-mentioned settlements, the grant rate is 10% higher than the mentioned percentages.
  • In the rest of Estonia, the grant rate is 50%.
  • The grant rate is 50% for the reconstruction of an apartment building where prefabricated elements are used.
  • The grant rate is 40% for the reconstruction of an apartment building in Tallinn and Tartu if a lift is installed.
  • The grant rate is 50% for the reconstruction of an apartment building in other settlement units if a lift is installed.
  • In regions other than Tallinn and Tartu, it is possible to apply for 10% less grant if all the requirements are not met, e.g. ventilation with heat recovery is not carried out or it is not possible to ensure the requirement of linear cold bridges in the windows.
  • In the case of replacing the heating device in the heating system of a gas, electric or stove-heated apartment building with a heating device using local renewable energy or connecting the apartment building to a district heating network, the grant rate depends on the location of the apartment building.
  • The grant rate is 50% for construction project preparation, technical consultant service and owner supervision service.
  • The grant rate is 60% for the technical consultant service if two or more grant recipients jointly organise the purchase procedure for reconstruction works and the project design.
Main requirements for the applicant
  • An apartment building with three or more apartments that has been in use before the year 2000.
  • At least 80% of the apartment properties in one apartment building are owned by natural persons.
Grant eligible activities
  • Reconstruction and insulation of the facade, including the design, manufacture and installation of prefabricated elements and related works.
  • Reconstruction and replacement of balconies and loggias, installation of glass and related works.
  • Reconstruction and insulation of the roof and roof ceiling, including the design, manufacture and installation of prefabricated elements and related works.
  • Replacement or renovation of windows and exterior and fire doors and related works.
  • Basement reconstruction and insulation and related works.
  • Foundation reconstruction and insulation and related works.
  • Replacement, reconstruction and balancing of the heating system, replacement of the heating unit, preparation of the protocol for balancing the heating system and related works.
  • Installation, replacement or reconstruction of the water and sewage system, including the construction and reconstruction of systems necessary for the soaking, use or drainage delay of rainwater, and related works.
  • Construction of a ventilation system with heat recovery or reconstruction of a ventilation system, preparation of a measurement protocol for the ventilation system and related works.
  • Building a cooling system or integrating a cooling unit into a central ventilation system.
  • Acquisition and installation of equipment necessary for the use of local renewable energy and related works.
  • Partial or complete reconstruction of the lift control system and drive or replacement of the lift and related works.
  • Replacement or reconstruction of the electrical system located in public areas, including the installation of an electric car charging infrastructure within the meaning of the Building Code and the creation of the possibility to switch the heating unit to external electrical power and related works.
  • Installation of the levelled insulation for windows of the common areas and apartments and the restoration of the interior finish resulting from the construction of the heating and ventilation system.
  • Construction or installation of a ramp to provide an entrance and exit for the building, reconstruction of the porch, installation of handrails, installation of a lift for the disabled and construction of a lift that complies with the standard EVS-EN 81-70 or equivalent requirements and related works.
  • The works related to connecting the building to the district heating network within the boundaries of the property.
  • Construction or reconstruction of a waste building or acquisition and installation of a deep collection container.
  • Construction or reconstruction of a bicycle parking area.
  • Acquisition and installation of necessary equipment to ensure energy supply security and fire safety and related works.
  • Preparation of the construction project necessary for the execution of the works in the above-mentioned sections, including the construction survey and building audit that form the basis of the construction project.
  • Using the service of a technical consultant.
  • Carrying out owner supervision.

Replacement of a gas or electric heating device in the heating system of an apartment building with a heating device using renewable energy sources or connecting said apartment building to a district heating network is allowed as a single grant eligible activity. When giving grants for the mentioned activity, no time limit is applied to the apartment building being taken into use.

Activities that are not eligible for grant
  • The cost of works related to the extension of a building, except the addition of a lift, balcony or canopy.
  • The cost of carrying out an expert examination when changing the main project.
  • The cost of installing a gas heater.
Requirements for reconstruction works/Results achieved with the works

In case of a grant being approved for reconstruction works, the beneficiary must ensure that all the following requirements are met as a result of the project implementation:

  • as a result of the reconstruction works, achieve at least an energy efficiency rating of class C (energy efficiency rating ETA ≤150 kWh/(m²*a))
  • reconstruct the central heating system as adjustable on at least an apartment level and install thermostatic valves equipped with limiters on the radiators that allow the room temperature to be regulated between 18 and 23 degrees Celsius
  • remove gas water heaters or gas boilers located in apartments that depend on room air and are connected to a chimney flue with natural draft, except for gas water heaters or gas boilers that are independent of room air and have a closed combustion chamber
  • to fully insulate and reconstruct the external walls with a thermal transmittance level of U≤0.20 W/(m²*K), while the requirement for the thermal transmittance of the external wall does not apply to parts of the external wall where it is not technically reasonable to install insulation of the required thickness
  • replace all depreciated windows at the time of starting the project with windows with a complex thermal transmittance level of U≤1.10 W/(m²*K) on installation
  • install all windows on the level of insulation or additionally insulate window panes
  • as a result of the level installation of window insulation or additional insulation of the window panes, the calculated average linear thermal transmittance of the junction of the outer wall and the window must be ≤0.05 W/(m*K);
  • insulate and reconstruct the roof with a thermal transmittance level of U≤0.12 W/(m²*K)
  • install a supply and exhaust ventilation system with heat recovery that serves all rooms of the apartment or a heat pump exhaust ventilation system with heat recovery that ensures an equivalent indoor climate and is equipped with outdoor air preheating and filtering devices such as fresh air radiators
  • when installing the ventilation device, the heat recovery temperature ratio of the installed ventilation device must be at least 70 percent for the air flow rates stipulated in the construction project
  • if an intermediate heat carrier is used for the heat recovery of the ventilation device, the heat recovery temperature ratio must be at least 50 percent for the air flow rates stipulated in the construction project
  • to ensure that the energy used for heating rooms, hot water production and ventilation air heating in the heating unit can be separately measured if there are corresponding heat consumers
  • ensure that when using a heat pump, the electricity consumed and the thermal energy produced by the heat pump can be measured with separate meters
  • supply air flow rates of at least 10 l/s in bedrooms and living rooms at no more than 25 dB(A) level of noise
  • exhaust air flow rates in 1-room apartments at least 10 l/s in the WC and bathroom and 6 l/s in the kitchen, in 2-room apartments at least 15 l/s in the WC and bathroom and 8 l/s in the kitchen, in 3- and more-room apartments at least 10 l/s in the WC, at least 15 l/s in the bathroom and 8 l/s in the kitchen
  • supply-exhaust ventilation devices must have a post-heating device that allows you to ensure supply temperature of 18 degrees Celsius
  • in an apartment building with district heating, create the possibility of switching the heat unit to external electricity.

If, during the design, construction or surveying of the ventilation system, it turns out that it is not possible to fulfil the exhaust air flow rate of some rooms for objective reasons, the exhaust air flow rate requirement is considered to be met by achieving the air exchange rate of 0.5 1/h for the entire apartment. The above exception applies to up to 20 percent of the apartments in the apartment building.

Requirements for quotations

The procurement of works and services is based on the requirements stipulated in the regulation, the annex to the regulation and the decision to satisfy the application.

  • Two or more grant recipients can jointly organise the procurement procedure for reconstruction works and design. In this case, the price quotation must reflect the total cost of works or services per apartment building. The grant recipients will conclude contracts with the successful bidder separately.
  • The beneficiary's purchase procedure may include reconstruction works together with design.
  • The recipient of the grant must set a reasonable deadline for the execution of the contract concluded with the reconstruction works executor.

If the cost of the grant recipient’s purchase is less than €60,000 without VAT, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Appropriate and proportionate conditions have been set for the purchase procedure, which take the expected volume and cost of the purchase into account.
  • Price requests and received quotations are made at least in a form that allows for written reproduction
  • The price request is submitted to at least two companies, unless there is no plurality of companies in the market of the planned purchase.
  • Documentation concerning the purchase procedure, including electronic or paper correspondence between the purchase provider and the grant recipient and other evidence of the purchase procedure, will be kept for five years from 31 December of the year of the final grant payment to the grant recipient.
  • As a result of the purchase procedure, the contract is concluded under the conditions specified in the price request and the quotation.
  • When ordering the service of owner supervision and technical consultant, the forms and conditions published on the website of the implementation unit are used to set the evaluation criteria and carry out the purchase.
  • If the owner supervision and technical consultant service quotations are taken as a joint quotation, the cost of both services must be stated separately in the quotation.
  • If it is not possible for the quotation receiver to receive two quotations for reasons beyond their control, a relevant justification and, if possible, notices of refusal to make the quotation shall be submitted to the implementation unit.


If both the technical consultant service and the owner surveillance service requests are submitted by the same applicant, they must specify in the same letter that the costs for both services need to be distinctly separate in the offer. This condition applies if the offer for both services is submitted as a single document.

Obligations of support recipient in carrying out procurement

The support for reconstruction of apartment buildings is granted on the basis of Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure Regulation No 13 of 3 March 2023 Terms and conditions of energy efficiency support for apartment buildings”.

Pursuant to § 28 of said Regulation, the recipient of support must only order renovation work on the basis of the conditions and criteria set out in the annex to the Support Regulation. The inclusion of other conditions and criteria in the support recipient’s purchasing procedure, which must be carried out in the electronic public procurement register, is not allowed. The forms published in this subsection must be used in the purchasing procedure of the support recipient. If you have any questions about the purchasing procedure of the support, please contact our support administrators immediately.

Requirements and list of technical consultants

A technical consultant is a person who is competent in the following areas:

  • the requirements of this regulation
  • using the e-grant environment
  • using the Register of Buildings
  • carrying out the purchase procedure of the grant beneficiary in the Public Procurement Register
  • the basics of Apartment Association management

In addition to the above requirements, the technical consultant must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • at least three years of experience as a board member of an Apartment Association
  • according to Appendix 3 of Regulation No. 62 "Higher Education Standard" of the Government of the Republic of 11 July 2019 "Correspondence table of curriculum divisions and curriculum groups and list of titles of degrees awarded in curriculum groups", a degree in a curriculum group belonging to the field of engineering, production and construction
  • Energy Auditor, Level 6 in the professional field of energy efficiency of buildings
  • Diploma Energy Efficiency Specialist, Level 7 in the professional field of energy efficiency of buildings
  • Chartered Energy Efficiency Specialist, Level 8 in the profession field of energy efficiency of buildings
  • Manager of Multi-apartment Association, Level 4 in the real estate services professional field
  • Facility Operations Specialist, Level 4 or 5 in the real estate services professional field
  • Technical Facilities Manager, Level 6 in the real estate services professional field
  • Construction Site Manager, Level 6
  • Civil Engineer in Buildings and Structures, Level 6
  • Diploma Civil Engineer in Buildings and Structures, Level 7
  • Chartered Civil Engineer in Buildings and Structures, Level 8
  • Engineer in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Level 6
  • Diploma Engineer in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Level 7
  • Chartered Engineer in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Level 8

The technical consultant must prove his compliance with the requirements when submitting a technical consultant service quote.

The technical consultant must provide an independent service. They may not have economic interests in companies from which quotes are taken for design and reconstruction works and who carry out said works and from whom quotes are taken for owner supervision, except if the technical consultant acts as a person specified in § 21 (1) clause 1 of the Building Code at the company carrying out owner supervision.

The technical consultant may not belong to the management bodies of the legal entity acting as the manager of the Apartment Association, or be in contractual relations with the legal person of the Apartment Association, or be appointed by the manager of the Apartment Association as the building manager of the Apartment Association applying for grant.

Tasks of the technical consultant

  • The task of the technical consultant is to organise, in cooperation with the grant applicant and the beneficiary, the preparation of the construction project for the reconstruction of the building and the procurement of relevant works and services, as well as the coordination of the reconstruction works. The technical consultant must be involved at least in the preparation of the design purchase procedure until the end of the relevant procedure and in the coordination of the preparation of the construction project, except if the construction project is ordered before the regulation’s entry into force, and in the preparation of the purchase procedure of reconstruction works until the end of the relevant procedure.
  • The technical consultant may carry out owner supervision within the same project if they are a competent person stipulated in § 23 of the Building Code and the service quote of owner supervision and technical consultant is accepted as a joint offer.

The cost of the technical consultant's service is eligible for grant if the applicant has signed a contract with a technical consultant that meets the requirements or with a company through which the technical consultant provides the service and the service is provided in accordance with the requirements. The requirements do not apply to the cost of the technical consultant service:

  • if the corresponding agreement has been concluded before this regulation had entered into force
  • if the applicant did not receive any quotations for the technical consultant service for reasons beyond their control

The selection of the technical consultant must be based on § 3 of the Public Procurement Act, which primarily means that transparency, verifiability, equal treatment of tenderers, effective use of competition and avoiding conflicts of interest must be ensured.
Technical consultants provide their services in accordance with the Regulation, and the cooperative must verify the competence and compliance of the technical consultant before signing the contract in order to receive the support.
The list of technical consultants is informative and includes persons known to the grantor who have undergone training on the subjects set out in subsection 8 (1) of the Regulation and meet the requirements set out subsection (2) of the same section. When selecting a technical consultant, the association is obliged to check the competence of the person submitting the tender and his/her compliance with the requirements of subsections 8 (1) and (2) of the Regulation. If the technical consultant does not comply with the requirements or the selection process is in breach of the requirements of § 3 of the Public Procurement Act, the cost of the service is not subject to reimbursement.

You can find the list of consultants who completed the advanced training of technical consultants of the Apartment Building Reconstruction Measure organised by Tallinn University of Technology between 2022 and 2024 here.

You can find a sample of the technical consultant's contract here.


Application and grant payments

A technical expert gives free advice to an apartment association concerning the reconstruction process. The expert explains what technical solutions are suitable for the apartment association and what the necessary steps are for carrying out the reconstruction process (including preparation of the construction project, list of construction works).

Technical experts

The application is made through the E-grant environment (you can enter the e-grant environment with an ID card or mobile ID). Please find instructions for filling out application form here).

Additional documents for the application are

  1. Energy label based on the measured energy use data of the building prepared no earlier than 3 May 2013.
  2. A basic project approved by the board of the Apartment Association and an energy calculation of the energy efficiency verification on a form approved by the implementation unit or as a simulation calculation in the case of the obligation to prepare a construction project arising from the Building Code, unless the design is ordered together with reconstruction works.
  3. The minutes of the decision of the general meeting in which the decision to carry out the reconstruction works, the description of the reconstruction works and related services, the decision to take a renovation loan for the implementation of the project and the possible maximum amount of the loan are recorded.
  4. Price quotations taken when ordering the service of a technical consultant, together with the price quotation invitation and the concluded contract with the successful bidder.
  5. The list of members of the Apartment Association dated no earlier than 30 calendar days before submitting the application to the implementation unit.
  6. Service quotations together with the quotation invitation and the contract concluded with the successful bidder to ensure that the implementation unit has the opportunity to assess the cost-effectiveness of the project.
  7. In the case of connecting a building to the district heating network, the technical conditions for connection and a connection offer issued by the network operator of the district heating area.

The decision to approve the application is made with an additional condition stipulating the right of the grant beneficiary to the grant specified in the decision to approve the application upon the following conditions:

  • the grant recipient has carried out the purchase procedure for reconstruction works in the Public Procurement Register under the conditions established in the annex to the regulation "Conditions of the grant recipient’s purchase procedure"
  • the grant recipient has received a positive decision on a renovation loan if it is necessary to take out a renovation loan

The decision to grant the application stipulates a deadline of 12 months from the date of the decision to grant the application for fulfilling the additional condition. The implementation unit can extend the deadline once by up to six months in a justified case based on the grant recipient’s application, provided that the required result is achieved during the implementation of the project and the deadline for the end of the project's activities stipulated in the decision to satisfy the application is not exceeded.

Based on the decision to conditionally approve the application, the grant recipient becomes entitled to grant payments after the arrival or fulfilment of the additional condition and the submission of a corresponding confirmation to the implementation unit together with the cost budget of the grant-eligible activities on a form approved by the implementation unit.

The payment request is submitted through the E-toetus environment (you can access the e-toetus environment with an ID card, mobile ID or Smart ID). Instructions for entering payment documents:

The processing of the payment request and the grant payment are based on the detailed conditions and procedure for making payments provided in the regulation and the decision to satisfy the request.

  • The grant is paid out on the basis of actual costs, either fully paid or on the basis of a self-financed cost document (partial payment is made by transfer to the contractor in accordance with subsection 27 (2) and (3) of the joint regulation).
  • The grant recipient can submit a payment request once per calendar month.
  • The grant payment cannot be less than ten per cent of the project's grant eligible expenses.
  • The grant payment is made on the basis of documents proving the occurrence of the grant-eligible expenses.

If prefabricated elements are used in the reconstruction of the grant recipient’s apartment building, the grant recipient can apply for grant payment in up to four parts:

  • the first payment request can be made when the construction project necessary for the reconstruction of the apartment building or at least five per cent of the total amount of reconstruction works has been accepted*
  • the second payment request can be made when at least 30 per cent of the total amount of reconstruction works has been accepted*
  • the third payment request can be made when at least 90 per cent of the total amount of reconstruction works has been accepted
  • the final payment request that corresponds to at least five per cent of the total cost of the reconstruction works can be made when all the reconstruction works have been accepted.

*the provisions of section 30 of the joint regulation may be applied to the first and second payment requests.

The following must be attached to the payment request:

copies of documents proving the occurrence of expenses:

  • invoice submitted
  • payment order, bank account or credit card statement confirming payment of the invoice
  •  handover-acceptance act and construction or employment contract including their appendices
  • in the relevant case, confirmation that the eligible cost has been incurred and has been paid to the extent of self-financing (i.e. a payment order confirming the payment of self-financing)

price quotations taken for the owner supervision service together with the invitation to quote and the contract concluded with the successful bidder in case these documents have not been submitted earlier.

The following must be submitted with the final payment request

  • The final report of the project implementation, which is submitted through the E-toetus environment. The grant recipient’s assessment of the performance and implementation of the project, the achieved indicators and the dates of completion of the activities must be added to the final report. This must include photos of the reconstructed apartment building, technical systems and compliance with notification requirements (poster or board in a place visible to the public)
  • a protocol for the measurement of air flow rates of the ventilation system according to generally accepted methodology, in which the designed and measured air flow rates of each measurement point and their difference in percentage are presented
  • a noise measurement protocol of technical systems according to generally accepted methodology, in which at least the noise level of the technical systems of the apartment closest to the heating unit and the apartment closest to the ventilation device is presented
  • a protocol for balancing the heating system, which is submitted even if the central heating system was previously reconstructed and the heating system was not renewed with the works carried out as part of the reconstruction grant
  • a gas installation audit protocol if there is a gas device in the apartment
  • a general accounting statement on the distinction between eligible costs related to the project and other costs.

If the total budget of the project is EUR 200,000 or less, the project will be supported on the basis of simplified cost accounting in accordance with subsection 20 (1) clause 1 of the joint regulation.

A lump-sum payment is made in the amount of the grant specified in the decision to satisfy the request in accordance with section 28 (2) of the joint regulation.

As a follow-up report, the grant recipient is obliged to submit an energy label based on the measured energy use data of the calendar year following the implementation of the project via the E-toetus environment no later than one month after the end of the relevant calendar year.

The use of funds from the European Union entails some obligations, including the requirement to inform the public about the use of the money. It is important to remember that non-compliance with the project's notification rules may lead to a partial withdrawal of the grant.

All apartment associations that have received the grant (whose project total cost is less than €500,000) must place a poster in their vestibule (a sample that can be filled in). The poster must be placed there after the decision to approve the grant application is made. The poster must stay up throughout the project's grant eligibility period.

The poster must be at least size A3 and must have a double logo consisting of images of the emblem of the European Union and the flag of Estonia with the text "Co-financed by the European Union" occupying at least 25% of the poster's area, and the name of the project, which makes up at least 30% of the poster's height.

If the project total cost is over €500,000, a board must be placed on the house (a sample that can be filled in).
The board must be installed on the house after the decision to approve the grant application is made and it must stay up until the end of the period of fulfilling the obligation, i.e. five years after the final payment has been made. When using the board, the following requirements must be fulfilled:

  • the board is installed on the object or in its immediate vicinity in a place that is easily visible to the public;
  • a double logo consisting of images of the emblem of the European Union and the flag of Estonia with the text “Co-financed by the European Union” is placed on the board, to which at least 25% of the surface of the board is allocated;
  • the name of the project and its main objective are indicated on the board, to which at least 30% of the height of the board is allocated;
  • the minimum size of the board is 500×300 mm

When designing the board, the double logo consisting of the images of the European Union emblem and the Estonian flag with the text "Co-financed by the European Union" and the EIS logo must be used.

More detailed instructions for notifications can be found in the regulation of the Government of the Republic "Notifying the public about the allocation of funds from the cohesion and internal security policy funds for the period 2021-2027."

Please also find additional info here Logod ja sümboolika | Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskus (

The costs of making the board are covered by the apartment associations, and their design must be based on the samples on the EIS website. If you have any questions, write to the e-mail address [email protected].

Contact us

Kaimo Kalda

Kaimo Kalda

Client Manager

kaimo.kalda [at]

Heikki Parve

Energy Efficiency Project Manager

heikki.parve [at]
Elari Paimets

Elari Paimets

Client Manager

elari.paimets [at]

Reet Utsu

Client Manager

reet.utsu [at]

Kätlin Plaksting-Aonurm

toetuste haldur (korterelamute rekonstrueerimistoetus)

katlin.aonurm [at]